ALETHEIA Media Conference 12. November 2021 – Quo Vadis Switzerland?

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Due to censorship by Youtube, you can now find us on Odysee. Or download the files directly here. The individual speaches are now available here with improved sound and translation.

Why Switzerland has to stop all Corona measures immediately and return to its global role as a role model for democracy. A medical, scientific and legal assessment with international guests.

00:05     Dr. Andreas Heisler, General Practitioner, President ALETHEIA
02:52     Kati Schepis, Dipl. Pharmacist ETH
18:46     Dr. Thomas Binder, Cardiologist, Member of Doctors for Covid Ethics
50:14     Catherine Austin Fitts, President of Solari Inc.
53:36     Robert Kennedy Jr., Founder and Chairman of the Board Children’s Health Defence
1:13:12  Philipp Kruse, Attorney at Law, LL.M.
1:33:35  Dr. Björn Riggenbach, General Practitioner, Founding member ALETHEIA

Important Information: Due to a technical defect there were unexpected difficulties with the audio tracks. We apologize for the inconvenience and will upload Videos with improved quality within the next days.  

ALETHEIA – Medicine and science for the application of proportionate measures The independent doctors and health network with 7000 supporters. Please support our important work with a donation: IBAN: CH54 0077 8213 9800 6200 1

ALETHEIA - Medizin und Wissenschaft für Verhältnismässigkeit
Rüediswilerstrasse 82, 6017 Ruswil
IBAN: CH54 0077 8213 9800 6200 1
Das unabhängige Ärzte- und Gesundheitsnetzwerk
Telegram: Infokanal